I'm bushed, or, I feel bushed

  • 2021-03-23
  • 450
This simply means that you are extremely tired, exhausted. The origin of this figure of speech is uncertain. It possibly comes from a Dutch word that means wood or forest. To be lost in the woods is a very tiring experience. It could also refer to the Australian ‘bush’, that part of the country that is mostly unsettled and very difficult to live in.
這句話的意思就是你覺得極度的疲憊,耗盡所有力氣的。這句子用法源由已經不可考,但有可能是從荷蘭語的”森林:樹木”而來. 迷失在森林裡是一個非常累人的經驗。這可能也像澳洲的灌木叢一樣,天氣非常不穩定,很難居住的地方。

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